OAS is stoked to help athletes and their families enjoy the benefits of outdoor recreation through the Share the Stoke Grant program. Grants are awarded for individuals with a cognitive, physical, or behavioral disability to put towards their outdoor recreation needs. There are two tiers of grants that will be awarded in two seasonal cycles. 

Grant Award Amounts

  • $2500 Grant (1 award)
    • Fall: Open October 1st, 2021, due by November 1st, 2021
    • Spring: Open May 1st, 2021, due by June 1st, 2021
    • Bi-annual award 
    • Applications reviewed by a committee of 5-9 members representing OAS regional stakeholders
  • Under $500 Grants (multiple awards)
    • Fall: Open October 1st, 2021
    • Spring: Open May 1st, 2020
    • Award on a rolling and first come first serve basis
    • Application Closes when allocated funds are awarded

Grant Use

  • Grants can be used towards any sport-related item (ie. parking pass, sports equipment – adaptive or non-adaptive, service, lesson fees, lift tickets/lift passes, )


Grants are for Oregon residents with a diagnosed disability and self-designated financial need.

Items required to be submitted for eligibility:

  • Completed application (including a description of need and impact of this grant)
  • Oregon Resident (submit proof of residency through state-issued identification, utility bill, lease/rental agreement, etc…)
  • Self-designated financial need (Paragraph-statement of need) Why do you need this and how will it improve your life? 
  • Doctors referral of physical, cognitive or behavioral disability 

Award Requirements 

Grant winners are required to complete the following items as part of their grant agreement.

  • $2500 Grant
    • Photo participating in grant award activity 
    • Photo with Share the Stoke Flag
    • Written and video Testimonial / Summary of Impact
    • Interview/possible appearance with a future fundraising campaign
    • Paid directly to vendor, no receipts needed
  • Under $500 Grants (multiple awards)
    • Photo with Share the Stoke Flag
    • Photo participating in grant award activity 
    • Written and video Testimonial
    • Summary of Impact
    • Receipt or invoice for request


Grant application is closed. Please check back in May for the next large grant cycle.

Please email us if you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding the grant program.