OAS instructor supports an athlete in a sit-ski while stopped on the slope with a volunteer behind

Scholarship Programs

First Three Lessons Free

Join OAS for your first three lessons with a first turns or first berms scholarship. These lessons are offered at a full scholarship by OAS grantors and donors! Athletes qualify for both the first turns and first berms scholarship to access adaptive recreation year-round. To receive the full scholarship benefit the three lessons must be scheduled within the season of starting with OAS. After three lessons you can apply for an individual scholarship, details below.

First Turns

For athletes who have not previously taken alpine lessons with OAS are offered at no cost. After your first three lessons, each cost $80.

First Berms

For athletes who have not previously taken aMTB or private trail ride lessons with OAS are offered at no cost. After your first three lessons, each cost $100.

Two sit-skiers use their outriggers to high-five and are smiling/laughing as the snow comes down

Individual Scholarship Program

If you have already utilized your first turns and/or first berms scholarship, OAS has additional scholarship funds available to ensure programs remain financially accessible. If approved scholarships typically cover between 25% to 75% of cost. It will be the applicant’s responsibility to make up the additional payment in order to participate in the requested session(s). Cancellation fees may apply.

  • Please register for lessons even if your scholarship has not been confirmed so that your lessons are reserved.
  • All scholarships are subject to available funds and must be used in the season in which they are awarded.

Scholarships are reviewed on the 15th of each month and awarded on the 1st, please submit your scholarships by the 15th of the month prior to your desired lesson.

Winter 24/25 Scholarship Application Coming Soon!

Next Steps:

For more information about the scholarship program, please refer to our Scholarship Guideline Packet. For further details, please contact info@oregonadaptivesports.org.

Community Programs

There is no cost to participate in all community based OAS programs as they are fully subsidized by OAS grantors and donors!



Join for fun on snow, return to build skills and community! Transportation is provided from the Mt. Bachelor Park and Ride to Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center. You can learn more by visiting the nordic page here or reading the blog Come Try Nordic Skiing on Community Days with OAS!


OAS volunteer kneels down beside an athlete in a recumbent bike, both have an arm up with smiles to cheer

Pine Nursery Cycling

In partnership with Bend Parks & Recreation cycling is offered multiple times a week during the summer. You can access adaptive cycles to explore the up to 2 mile loop at Pine Nursery Park with OAS volunteers and staff. Learn more by visiting the cycling page here.

Gravel Rides

Explore the local gravel trails with inclusive rides supported by OAS volunteers and staff. Transportation is offered from Bend. Learn more by visiting the cycling page here.


Partnership with Awbrey Glen Golf Club, athletes and volunteers gather at the practice green bi-monthly. Learn more by visiting the golf page here.