A Wheelchair Accessible Bend, Oregon Travel Guide

Cory Lee a a prominent blogger/influencer was flown out from Georgia to be a keynote speaker for the Oregon Governor’s Conference. Cory is an avid world traveler who has been to all seven continents and 40 countries in a wheelchair. One thing that remained on his bucket list was skiing and this is where OAS came in!

In Cory’s own words, “I felt like I was in the most awesome video game ever. I’ve been able to have some pretty remarkable experiences around the world, from hot air ballooning over volcanoes in Spain to zip lining over gators in Florida, but adaptive snow skiing might have been the coolest and most adrenaline-pumping thing I’ve ever done.”

We are excited to share the blog Cory created: A Wheelchair Accessible Bend, Oregon Travel Guide

OAS instructor in a blue jacket bucketing Cory down a steep snowy terrain. Cory's smile is visible within all his winter layers and blanket from his sit ski.

Cory, thank you for visiting us in Beautiful Snowy Central Oregon! We hope to see you again soon! Learn more about Cory’s experiences as a disabled traveler and accessible travel by visiting his blog: https://curbfreewithcorylee.com/wheelchair-travel-blog/cory/