Room to Grow

With enormous gratitude to Ken and the entire Kumlin Family, we are honored to share Ken’s story, “Room to Grow.”

At Oregon Adaptive Sports, we believe everyone should have access to the life-changing benefits of outdoor recreation. These opportunities allow us to grow, to push our limits and to discover our best selves.

For Ken, OAS did not instill the confidence, ability or drive that has empowered him to succeed both on the slopes and off. OAS helped to remove the barriers for Ken to access these transformative experiences to let these parts of himself shine.

We are so proud of how much Ken has grown and have been honored to watch him become a strong skier, an amazing big brother and core part of our OAS community. Most of all we are excited about his future and for the young man that continues to emerge behind his helmet and goggles.

If you find this film motivational, we encourage you to act upon that motivation. Help us share this story and that of the countless others working to increase access to the outdoors for individuals with disabilities. If you are able, please consider making a donation to OAS or to your local adaptive sports organization to help fund this movement.

DISCLAIMER – This film contains depictions of scenes from Ken’s time in the hospital as an infant. These images may be jarring to some viewers.