Turns & Berms: The Athletes’ Experiences

a group of 20 sit-skiers pose for a photo in a line with OAS volunteers and staffs stand behind them all smiling on a bright sunny day.

About Turns and Berms

A morning adorned with a winter wonderland where the crisp air echoes with laughter as participants ski down the slopes. Then, as the day progresses, the scenery transforms into a high desert haven for mountain biking enthusiasts. It’s a day of contrasts, where the thrill of skiing transitions into the adrenaline rush of biking down rugged terrains.

Oregon Adaptive Sports’ ongoing collaboration with the Kelly Brush Foundation and our supporters makes this multi-day sports program possible. It’s more than just a series of activities. It’s an opportunity to connect with fellow adventurers, discover, learn, discover, get a scrape on one’s elbow, smile, fly, connect and experience that incredible feeling of experiencing the world in motion.

This year’s event was full of stoke for the athlete’s as they experienced a variety of weather conditions. Up on the slopes of Mt. Bachelor a classic bluebird spring day greeted the athletes on Friday with some corn snow and an open summit, then transition to biking at Phil’s Trail in the Deschutes National Forest had sun peaking through the clouds. Saturday brought on a blizzard for some winter conditions contrasting the day before with some of the snow following the group to the forests for the afternoon of mountain biking. Spirits stayed high, as you’ll read below from a few of the athletes, going into the last day on Sunday. Where the winter storm had raged on closing Mt. Bachelor for the day and while some rain and snow was present during that day’s mountain biking they got to end the day with the sun coming out as they were ready to return to Bend and prepare for next year.

20 athletes in aMTBs and OAS volunteers and staff rally together in a group photo with tall pines lining their background

Athlete Reflections


Turns & Berms was another SCI community hit this year. We had three days of instruction, camaraderie, joviality and athleticism that fueled our hearts and bodies. Twenty athletes from across the country came together to ski at Mt. Bachelor and ride the trails around Bend, Oregon with the invaluable help and coordination from the Kelly Brush Foundation(KBF) and Oregon Adaptive Sports(OAS). We had instructors and volunteers that made the event run smoothly and plenty of humor and encouragement to make us forget about the rain and a few rearranged plans.

text: "I'm still smiling from the stoke of the weekend and all the people who were a part of it!" image features Joanna in the center in pink snowpants, snow gear in a sit-ski with another sit-skier to her right and a volunteer in 2-track skis to her left. snowy blizzard conditions outside at the base of a ski lift.

text: Berms were crushed, jumps were whooped and yells and smiles were in plethora. image: Joanna in an electric aMTB handcycle with a big smile comes over a berm on the dirt terrain catching a little air

The first day of skiing was phenomenal with blue skies and gentle wind. The entire group was able to ride together on the Summit run of Mt Bachelor and take in panoramic views of central Oregon. We explored the mountain and found our different strides across all the runs or off-piste areas that looked adventurous. For some sit skiers, this was their first time skiing with other sit skiers! Representation matters in all areas of life, but isn’t often found for those with different levels of abilities which is why adaptive sports and recreation communities are incredibly valuable to our community. Being part of a posse of sit skiers brought stoke to everyone in that group!

We transitioned to mountain biking in the afternoons and had groups on various kinds of hand, pedal and E-bikes where we tested our skills and explored new terrain over several parks. Berms were crushed, jumps were whooped and yells and smiles were in plethora. Some athletes got to work more on skills, others tested new equipment while some just looked for the speed and challenges. It was a wonderful environment for everyone to bring community along with their individuality.

All of this was only possible with the vision and drive that came through partnership with the KBF and OAS along with the many volunteers that supported this event. This community is gold we are incredibly lucky to be a part of it.


text: I came in seeking adventure and left a better person for being around the adaptive community! image: Bodhi with a full-face helmet smiles and stops for the camera on the double track with a few other participants trailing behind him.

As an adaptive athlete for the last 9 years, this was my very first time that I had an opportunity to ski, ride and play with other adaptive athletes! It was truly an amazing experience to interact and see everyone together. I walk with assistive devices (leg braces and walking sticks) and to see these people in wheelchairs transferring themselves into their equipment and cars, as well as, to see what they have to do to get on a bus is truly humbling to know that their struggle is nothing compared to mine.

They take in stride, and everyone cheers each other on to take next challenge! I came in seeking adventure and left a better person for being around the adaptive community! Thank you Kelly Brush and OAS for this Turns and Berms Event….. Much Love!

Bodhi in his sit-ski and winter gear maneuvers down the slope with a blue ski and clear conditions.


text: "I was able to challenge myself with the support of the amazing staff & volunteers at OAS." Laura is in a sit-ski assisted from behind by an OAS instructor down the slope.

I just wanted to shout out a giant thank you to Oregon Adaptive Sports and Kelly Brush foundation for offering me a spot in turns and berms this year. I was able to challenge myself with the support of the amazing staff and volunteers at OAS.
Even with all the fun of skiing in the morning and mountain biking in the afternoon the best part, for me, is being able to connect with my people. I live in a remote area and the turns and berms camp has been my only exposure to other athletes with a SCI. I can’t express how gratifying it is to spend three days hanging with such a great group of people. I hope to be back again.

Laura in an aMTB hand cycle close-up as she goes through the trail with trees visible behind her

Additional Images from Turns and Berms

several athletes in aMTB handcycles going down the start of a trail, one athlete holds up a peace sign for the camera. an athlete in aMTB handcycle navigates the large boulders on the trail. OAS ambassador, Anna and KBF, Greg, caught in conversation laughing at the beginning of the aMTB day. three sit-skiers huddle together for a group hug as snow flurries around them a handful of sit-skiers look to OAS Staff member on skis as they give direction at the top of summit. mountains visible in the distance from the panoramic view A 2-track skier supporting their partner in a sit-ski smiles at the camera with close behind them their partner and another sit-skier are stopped and angled on the steep slope.