Purchasing your own equipment
by David Nichols
I am proud to announce that I am continuing to improve! Last week was a big week , a major milestone has been reached, I was able to attend all of my appointments without using, bringing my Walker. OAS has played a role contributing in my progress. They have allowed me to safely continue to participate in the outdoor activities that bring me joy, it has been critical to my mindset. For this I am incredibly grateful.

Dave (front right) atop McKenzie Pass with a group of OAS athletes in early June 2023.
I have said before, the feel I’m in a self fulfilling loop of progress. I have committed to myself to work hard during my recovery if I see progress. I have worked hard and seen some progress, so I keep working hard and further improve, and so it continues, and the loop is formed! Neuroplasticity is real! I don’t think it just happens, but you can work for it. It’s incredible.
I realize I have not done this alone. I have many great people around me, first and foremost I would like to thank my parents. For supporting me through my recovery process. Since October 15, 2017. It’s been over five years since my fall. I’m super lucky to have them.
I still have a long way to ahead of me. I am nowhere near recovered But I am ready to look more at work, The net my next therapy appointment.
Alternatively, A lower cost option is training wheels. This is not the best for long rides, or mountain biking, but significantly cheaper to buy a regular bike then an adaptive trike or quad.
Grant funding possibilities
Buying adaptive equipment is very expensive. In a large part this is a problem with supply and demand. Unfortunately, there is not much demand for adaptive equipment. Therefore, there aren’t many manufactures, so their order size for parts is small, so the price to consumers are higher. Here are a few organizations who fund grant to help support you in your quest for a new bike!
Everybody helps out a little, a lot gets done
SCI (Spinal Cord Injury) Only:
Everyone improves with repetition. It is important to have your own gear. You have more chances to use it. More time to get comfortable with it. This is not a complete list of adaptive bicycles, rather the brands I’m familiar with (I’m no expert).
Bowhead -A fellow athlete and the owner of a bowhead claims, “no other bike on the market can compete.”
Catrike – American made, well known in the industry.
Freedom Ryder –Hand cycles for Road biking, Made in Oregon!
Greenspeed- From Australia, this manufacturer has been producing trikes for a long time.
Hase – Well thought of.
Ice – From England, I think these bikes are phenomenal!
Lasher – Rugged cycle
ReActive Adaptations – Creator is paralyzed. Made by a paralyzed athlete, for a paralyzed athlete.
Terratrike – Mass produced, and relatively affordable.
Other Resources
Bike-on – is an online adaptive bike retailer with low prices and customer service support to help you choose the right bike.